Become a partner

Mobility for Young Swiss librarians in European Libraries and Archives

Learning accross boundaries

The Swiss Education Delegation Information and Documentation participate in-directly at the "European Mobility",  Vocational education and training programme. The mobility programme is open to holders of a Federal VET[1] Diploma in information and documentation (Fachfrau/mann Information und Dokumentation EFZ).


Interns benefit from financial support towards their subsistence expenses, as well as a flat-rate travel allowance.


The Swiss Education Delegation I+D have a lasting interest in job-related continuing education and training. It is in their interest to offer a good start into the Swiss labour market and to keep the young librarian in the profession.


Portrait of a young professional:

Dominik, born 1996, worked three years as an apprentice in two institutional libraries at the University of Zurich. After his final exam in autumn 2015, he worked as an intern at the Oxford Bodleian Libraries. “Everybody was amazed to recognize how much I knew about the daily work in libraries from the first day on. After my internship the letter of reference opened doors to interesting jobs in Swiss libraries.” Dominik works today with the Record Management of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 


Recommendations of a partner library hosting a young Swiss librarian:

  • Joy in working with young adults
  • Provide cultural knowledge about your library and country
  • Cooperation with the project partner in Switzerland
  • Use Europass to document skills, qualification and experience

 We recommend for outgoings Swiss librarians:

  • 3-4 month of internship
  • Language skills: level B1
  • Attending a language class in the host country
  • Independent search for accommodation
  • Self-responsibility for insurances

 We offer individual support for incoming librarians and education teachers.


Project managers: Nina Grossenbacher and Melissa Hofstetter, mobil(at)



[1] Vocational Education Training Diploma not older than 1 year

How to become a Partner (Print version)
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